충격 흡수기 어셈블리는 무엇으로 구성됩니다.
Structurally, the shock absorber assembly is a complex system consisting of multiple components, including the shock absorber itself, lower spring pad, dust jacket, spring, shock pad, upper spring pad, spring seat, bearing, top glue and nut. 충격 흡수기는 단일 부품 인 충격 흡수기 어셈블리의 주요 부분 일뿐입니다.
In terms of cost, although the price of the shock absorber assembly may seem high, it is actually more economical than the total cost of purchasing and replacing all the relevant parts separately. 전체 충격 흡수 시스템에 필요한 모든 구성 요소가 이미 포함되어 있기 때문입니다.
기능적으로, 충격 흡수기는 주로 도로 진동이 차량에 미치는 영향을 흡수하고 감소시키는 일을 담당합니다. The shock absorber assembly not only plays the role of shock absorption in the suspension system, but also acts as a suspension pillar, carrying the weight of the entire suspension system, providing a more stable and safe driving experience for the vehicle.
A shock absorber assembly is a product for shock mitigation and shock absorption and consists of multiple components including but not limited to a shock absorber, lower spring pad, dust jacket, spring, shock pad, upper spring pad, spring seat, bearing, top glue and nut. These components work together to use the fluid to convert the elastic energy of the spring into heat energy, so that the most reasonable convergence of vehicle movement, eliminate the vibration brought by the road, improve driving stability, and provide comfort and stability for the driver. Shock absorber assembly is divided into front left, front right, back left, back right four parts, each part of the shock absorber bottom of the lug (connected to the brake disc) position is different, so in the selection of the shock absorber assembly must determine which part. 이제 시장의 전면 감소의 대부분은 충격 흡수기 어셈블리이며, 감소는 여전히 일반적인 충격 흡수기입니다.
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